Located in Kg Sungai Rambai , nearby, the Mah Meri Origami Center is a community center where the women folk practiced their age old art of leaf folding called the Bunga Moyang or the Flowers of the Spirits.
In recognition of their effort, with assistance from the government and individuals MMCV assisted the village community to design, built & managed the center by themselves. Due to popular demand an additional building have been erected by volunteers under the National Blue Ocean Strategy ( NBOS ).
Books are priced from RM95- RM 205 and leaflet at RM30. Black and white prints for students is RM 35. There are over 30 designs of the leaf origami priced at RM3 – RM5 documented in the above books titled Bunga Moyang available in Bahasa Malaysia, English-Bahasa & English-Japanese.
Entrance fee is RM15, if you are not one of MMCV guests ( by reservation only ). The unique feature of this center besides the books and the administration is the design of the building itself. The design is based on the traditional concept called the ‘ perahu terbalik ‘ or the up-side-down boat. Positioned facing towards the inland of the island, the building have its bow towards the sea as if the boat is approaching the island.
The front of the building is not the same as the back , looking sideways, it looks like a boat. In the old days boats are turned up-side-down on the shores when the seas are rough and act as a shelter. Directly in front of the building some distance away is the spirit house. To learn more please book the Student Package